Historical Context

Historical Context of Pollard's Actions

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As you may have been thinking, and in my opinion, Pollard's actions were mainly a result of the lack of resources and rights that African-Americans had back in the early 20th century. One of the main reasons he did this was that African-Americnas didn't have many rights at the time, so Pollard worked extremely hard to show that although their skin color is different, black people aren't much different than white people. Pollard also wanted to show the white people that black people can do the same things they can, and that white people aren't any better than African-Americans. Another reason he acted against this racial prejudice was because not many black people were standing up to get equal rights at this time, so he was courageous enough to stand up against it and encouraged other black people to join him. And the final main reason he acted against these unfair and unequal rules was to inspire younger generations that if you believe something isn't right or unfair, then you should stand up for yourself and start demanding change. After learning about Pollard and his defiancy against unfairness, I learned that if you get enough people to join in your beliefs, then maybe you'll have a chance in changing something. 
